By Teachers, For Teachers.
A distinguishing hallmark of a profession is that those who are in it determine what its members must know and do. For this reason, how these revisions took place is as important as the revisions themselves. As is the case with all National Board Standards, the updated Five Core Propositions were written by teachers, for teachers. The Five Core Propositions—in content and in authorship— are a statement of what our profession stands for.

“My decision to join National Board NAME, or the Network of Minoritized Educators, has been a life-changing experience. Under the leadership of Dr. Tonia Holmes-Sutton, National Board NAME offers educators of color the opportunity to gather to share teaching practices, self-care opportunities, and discussions about current events, particularly those that impact communities of color. When I joined National Board NAME, I was newly Board-certified, and I was seeking leadership and networking opportunities.

“National Board certification can transform children’s lives. Research shows that students that have a National Board Certified Teacher make two to three months more gains than students who do not have a National Board Certified Teacher. We also know that all students benefit from having teachers of color. Nonetheless and unfortunately, the racial breakdown of teachers in this country are mirrored in National Board certification. This means that teachers of color are significantly underrepresented in achieving their National Board certification.”

“Dr. Tonia Holmes-Sutton’s leadership has been an inspiration to many educators here in Nevada as well as around the country. Her guiding light has transformed me from a teacher to an educational leader. After meeting her in 2019 through my work with Teach Plus Nevada, I have never look at the teaching profession the same way. She has a knack for bringing like-minded people together to solve educational problems all the while growing each individual in a variety of leadership capacities. I was later invited to join National Board NAME, or the Network of Minoritized Educators. It has been an honor and a privilege to network and work alongside some of the greatest educators in the country. Each time that we meet I find myself absorbing cutting-edge classroom pedagogy and leaving fully energized to bring equity into the classroom.”
Interested in joining a national network for minoritized educators
Join the National Board Network of Accomplished Minority Educators (NBNAME)!